Friday, October 30, 2009

the finally gonna happen post

the post that i have been wanting to post since one month ago, since my 10 month famine of the classic internet system that just ended at 3:45 pm 2day

let's talk abt exam

bm 1- okay

bm2- okay


p.seni- all tembak

eng1- damn damn easy


sejarah-okay i guess ( spent the whole night drinking coffee ..8 hrs studying untill 9am)

maths 1- easy

maths2-damn damn hard

kemahiran hidup- I DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABT IT

sc 1-easy

sc2 -easy

geografi- easy

sivik- easy because use common sense

chinese -tembak tembak tembak

well at least i didn't need to study yesterday..i was just resting

0o and 2day so tired eventhough i slept early yesterday

we had revision for 1 hour i think and i sleep the entire time

did finish sivik in 20 minutes and then sleep

played truth or dare with calvin, yap minn, min ming, kah hong, some guy, liew jin and mugilaa

did Pol BC in around 10 minutes and slept the entire time

then funny thing happened teacher collected our papers early and told us to collect our bag

then i really think that can go out liao

so i go out lo

then when i walk to the bridge.. i heard wei lam and yew voon shout macholy like

'woah wah sascha go bac so fast liao'

then i feel confuse mah

then when i walked to canteen i asked one RIS student what the time is

then he say is 3:29 pm wo

i was like WTF...SHIT...I hope the teacher no write my name

aaaaahhhh i so blur wan

then go home

turns out next year i will seat a diffrent faces new annoying atitudes

and guess what I GOT A FOR SEJARAH

i think

or maybe cheah gt see wrong

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