Monday, December 7, 2009


hz....i miss u so much

i just can't wait for the holidays to end

u were in my dream last night

curse the alarm clock for ringing so early

disrupting me from my sweet sweet dreams

but then agn they are just dreams

But dear i don't want to think about the future or the past

i only want to think about the present

thanks dear so much for accompanying me more n more each day

even though its just for 5 minutes

u got online, left me a message of how much u miss me

that message just made my day

i wish i could be in ur arms agn

the way u squeeze my waist until i was fighting back tears

the way u like to poke my fleshy cheeks ><

overall i really miss u

i know that u wont be able to read this because u keep forgetting my blog url u forever

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