Tuesday, April 20, 2010

la la la

guess what....i'm addicted to chinese songs..i actually started humming them....

although i don't know the meaning of a lot of words ==

anyways....sport practice...haiz...faster faster end bah..make me feel so xxxx

tomorrow ..al the runner go IKBN...jia you jia you ^^

its better if i don't see them hoping into the bus...because i will feel so regret

hmm...can bring blindfold to school mah? XD

actually i'm kidding myself...i'm not at all happy...

mum : bad mood
mee-uf: made her cry today..feel so bad
baby; miss him..*sobs*

feeling so XXX abt somethings....haih.....

but dun worry..i will be happy

if u guys dun realize this..even if i am extremely sad.and hurt..i can still laugh..smile

and I'M NOT FAKING IT!!!! the smiles are genuine and real

if i think what u said is funny..i will laugh

if i don't ..i won't laugh.. simple eh?

and if u can make me feel like home...like in what home used to be for everybody..i will really really love u...as in friends...i don't care abt the sex...if u can make my day..then its definitely a good thing ^^

gosh maybe that doesnt make much sense to u guys..so just forget what i said..XD


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