Monday, April 26, 2010

the long awaited post

today we're gonna be talkin about the adventures of the great computer exchange

== kidding

so there it is...the gigantic box that was itching to be opened and plugged into its new owner's desk

who will it be? it wonders

i've just been shipped off and arrived in these yellow house...the people seem nice...

oh crap! its sascha....the old computer beside me had whispered me a few facts about her

1. she doesnt care if u are infected by viruses

2. she doesnt organize her files

3.she doesnt even shut u down properly

oh crap....what bad luck =[

well here it goes * takes deep breaths*

a bladed weapon shot through my roof and started tearing it apart

oh...a man...i guess that he's sascha's father

please be gentle

there he is....fixing me to my new position

damn his armpits smell........
ta-da after 45 minutes i am done....nice place she's got here...i'm right next to the window...hope i can catch some pretty views....

pls pls be gentle on me sascha....i am awfully fragile

okay fine i'll stop this crap

the end

spent the day reading up lots of craps

bye =]

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