Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy birthday to myself =]

woke up...but tired la....==

watched tropic thunder in the morning ^^(its effing awesome and funny)

then met up with sin and cheah in lm

ate at subway>service sucks and food sucks

pei cheah buy her phone(W705)...god...why are so many ppl buying this phone ==

my mum, sin, lou po, van, vki, etc...etc

then went to popular...which was a must!!!

after that my mum made me go shopping in duet

u know the only boutique close to popular.


gosh...finally my hair is longer and less bushy!!!!

0ooo...look...dark under eye circles

dunno why last night..i vomit ==

and dun hav alot of appetite

two sissys

went home after that

played wii, sdo, fb, hotel city, ..etc

bought these em

oso bought this from duet
probably the first time that i've bought a reference book in my life.

gotta study harder

sin camwhoring

she's borrowing some dress from me for her aunts wedding in october..0.0

he gave me this ^^....bear bear and his t-shirt

i remember that u gave me this on june 3

love it

finally happie birthday to myself =]

officially 14 now

see ya

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