Friday, September 3, 2010

i don't particularly like to make friends with boys

because they hurt u, they use u. maybe not everyone just the unlucky ones like me

i was made a fool by them. tortured, teased

until now, i've never forgivened the ones who did that to me

who made my preschool and junior yrs horrible, unbearable

they use u and when u ask for help. they give u the most hurtful, self centered, egoistic answer i've ever heard

they can win an award

guys are total jerks. i'm not saying that all guys are

they tell u straight off that u're hideous or disgusting or whatever nonesense their bird brains can think abt. or sometimes they have the nerve to whisper it behind u when they know that u can hear

i've heard those lines many times. to other ppl and to me

when i was younger, i was gullible it disgusted me till i forced a finger down my throat and threw up into the toilet bowl. when i hadnt eaten anything.

boys? hmmmmm.....

they are egoistic, selfish, self centered, too in loved to oneself and revolting

well they have taught me a valuable lesson

not many can win my trust this easily these days. I prefer to avoid those that i know i cannot trust

for they only waste ur time. If they post some meaningless graffiti on my facebook wall, especially those who'd hurt me in the past, i will simply ignore them

i am not kin on forgiving. i am not kin on forgiving those hypocrites.

but i blame boys....

for now words hardly get to me.

when friends tell me that nothing's wrong, everything will be alright

i don't believe too easily and prefer to believe that the world is fabricated over a world of lies.

that makes me think of reality. for u might never know what it might throw at u

and for my friend.


how can u be so lan c now? ur ego has returned

now u have a whole group of guys cowering at ur feet. thinking of u as a high priestess or what we call nowadays DAI GA JIE

and what happens when u lose them? hmmmm....?

are u just gonna continue this facade? breezing through reality. getting too touchy feel when it comes to guys

taken guys

remember what u did to my guy?

u violated our space. me and my guy's space so that u can "upgrade" ur reputation

or what i like to call "school profile"

touching him in front of me.

i've stood beside u, holding ur hand when times get tough. but it seems that u like to take things for granted . hmmmmm....??

u want to be looked up as "yeng"

well i tell u. u are very yeng. yeng in pretending

u have the nerve to tell me that

"actually i don't like u, is u like me"

that was a big soccer punch

are u that zi lian???? do u realized that without ur friends around u've got nothing??

u try so so hard to be a dai ga jie. everybody can see it. have u got no shame?

when ur words are all filled with half hearted meaning

we all hear ur loud voice when u want to grab attention. and u just cant wait to take pic with a cute guy so that u might seem more "popular?"

and if a guy doesnt answer u , u become so upset. not wanting to do anything

as if they are ur whole life

grow up will u?

i feel so sorry for u *laughs*

because i realized that u might never find "real happiness"

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