Friday, December 18, 2009

something new in my childhood home

in case you guys don't know..but i bet that most of u really don't know

my ' a ma' is not my real ' a ma' we're not connected by blood

but i'm closer to her than my real grandmas

they've known me for almost 13 years..i grew up there with the kids, adults, been to their weddings

and saw their offsprings

sadly though, the new borns don't recognize me anymore

since my visit yesterday was the first in 1 year

due to homework overload, countless sleepovers and lazyness

they almost count me as family well not most of them

actually, i'm not really sure of anything now

i know that my step aunt hates me

the only reason that i met them in the first place was because my "a ma"s oldest daughter works for my father

and she introduced her mom to my dad when my dad complained that i was just too much to handle when i was just a baby

but ofcourse any sensible human being would know is that when u are to take care of your boss daughter. u have to make sure that she is properly taken care off and not make her upset

codeword: take care of her properly and u won't get fired

so how do i know that they love me?

is it because of the money

is it so that one of their family members wouldn't lose their job

am i part of their lives

or am i just an impostor?

a bug in the windshield of their lives

that i will never know

so all of my aunts and uncles got married and entered the world of parent hood

well except the oldest son whom is like in melaka or something

so my youngest step aunt now has 2 daughters

and my youngest uncle now has a set of twins...and they're boys

10 months old i think

so u can pretty much guessed that the baby cots had been pushed into the living area

sink filled with baby bottles and toys littered the floor

its kinda surprising that so little yet so much had changed

we played with the toys

our grubby hands had fingered the books until they became well thumbed paper backs

we slept in those cots

we had slept on the kiddy mattresses

every nook and cranny of the place reminded me of how i spent my childhood there

my mum sent me there when i was just one year old

at the age of six, only did i went to live with my parents

my mum would sent me to school every morning and sometimes come and visit

overall, the place reek of sweet memories

haha this guy is my childhood friend, he's in form 3 now and yeah he was assigned to take care of the baby

' a ma' cooked her famous fried rice for lunch and it was delicious

' a gong' as usual resorted into drinking beer every saturday with his friends and watched chinese and cantonese soap operas 12 hours straight..he's a tv junkie

step aunt and step uncle would come back around 8 from work to play and take care of their babies

things doesn't seem to change

except that everyone had grown much taller and few of them entered the teenage life
went home at 3 today

that's the end of my visit

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