Wednesday, December 16, 2009


why can't happy moments just last for oh i don't know... more than a day?

i'm not asking for a week, a month, a year, or forever

i'm only asking it to last a few hours longer...rather than jumping from one emotional train to another

no not the good kind..the bad kind..the one that makes u feel like shooting at the other person and wishing that someone was dead...or rather urself

there it was my happy day for once in these three weeks and it just ended 6 hours straight

jumped to a really hurting feeling the next

yeah when ur parents starts screaming at u that u're retarded. stupid. nonindependent. completely a nuisance to look at. a stubborn chick (which for once they were right). as ugly as a man. waste of fresh air. ....and ... a mistake to start with their parent hood

take that for a knife stabbed in ur throat...not ur heart ur throat...the worst part was that u couldn't scream, cry or stab back...the only thing i managed to express was breaking my plastic wide tooth comb in two

this is y i hate my parents..this is y sometimes i wish i was never to start with..sent me somewhere 30000 miles away pls

i love them but i never liked them...i hate them but i never loathe them

but now everything took to a diffrent turn..the feelings i just feel like shooting them between their eyes

don't worry i'm not crazy just a dramatic expression

i'm so pissed off now

gonna blow of some steam

wish me luck

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