Thursday, December 31, 2009


i feel as if we're floating on air....was last year just a faded memory.....even though, we're moving on to a brand new heart felt my head, i kept thinking....will next year be better than last year..of course there will be bad and happy moments, nobody's perfect

2009 was a a great year..but for now i bid u goodbye...

remember this, we all had our great share of hearthache and tears as well as moments of happiness and pride...we should be oh so thankful..

in 2009

the happy n bad moments

let's start with the bad and end it with happiness


1.i started hating my family more and more. i felt like they were blaming me for everything...when we all fell sick in was the beggining of the chinese new year...and i hated them so much...but i really love them..wished that they knew

2.the school found out abt us was a devastating almost breaking up with my dear was the year that my grades so badly vision worsened...i mean who can stay calm in the refraction room?

and now for the good moments

=] and dear finally straightened up our relationship...would u believe that during that time...we were 7 months happy but we never even sat together...forget abt holding hands

2.i finally gt the contact lenses and the phone i wanted...=] mum finally let me go out with frens

4.i figured out who i am and stopped being someone i'm not...i stopped cutting myself, i stopped dressing in too much black. i grew confident and believed more in myself

5.this may sound weird but i thank miss pinky(yes the disiplin teacher)..fro cutting my hair...the windsheild...the curtain of my life....she actually knocked some sense into me..i mean what's so great abt hiding behind a black curtain? btw..we can actually see behind tat hair...

that was my 2009 and i am eternally grateful..HAH..XD

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