Friday, January 15, 2010 i just abandoned my blog for a whole sorry abt that..i was so freakin lazy, piles of homework, piano practises and i hate it...distractions..etc..etc..etc

and i feel like my blog is so black and white...enough with the effing moody posts already..arggghhhh

so school was least i got to see mellie and kai qi (the lim one) everyday after school since i started using the block C way

0o...and we had sejarah at last period and i made up this ridiculous theory with my friends

u know how in bab 1, us...tanah melayu ppl were tricked 0o i don't know...almost a million times by the british and we still believed them

why are we so stupid==

so i was staring at my textbook...and i noticed that orang melayu have more hair then those british like francis light and dunno who ==

and i was thinking in my head...hmmm

maybe we are so stupid and the british are so smart because

orang melayu- concentrates their energy on growing hair, sideburns and all the impulses couldn't concentrate on one particular nerve..the that's y we're so stupid


noticed how they have so thinning hair? well, since the only need to use at least a quarter of their impulses or blood to grow their the impulses were continuosly working their butts off in the brain...that's y they're so effing smart

hahaha i know its very stupid..but hey i got bored

0o and encik amin (a PE teacher who teaches sejarah ==) is a good teacher but his handwriting is like shit!

0o and i left my phone in school pls dun sms or call me

thx bye bye

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