Friday, March 26, 2010

currently reading this book love love it

i hate u my producer

i hate the words that come out of your foul mouth

i hate it when u compare me to champions

i hate it when u doubt my acheivements

i hate it when u yearn for better children

i hate it when u reveal my ugly past to new friends

i hate it when u flirt shamelessly

i hate it when u make big deals out of small things

i hate it that u manage to twist things around to your favour

i really hate it that i can forgive u in so many ways

and then hate myself for forgiving

for being so utterly soft when alli want is to be hard..haard...stubborn

i wanted to trudge through ur rules yet i respect them

respect them to only let u discriminate me

i hate that i am so much like u

i want to change

but i know that it will be hard

because the habits are forever binded to my blood

and i can never remove them

i am the exact younger version of u

and u hate what u have become

so u took me as one of u

u hated urself

so i am the fing punching bag

punch punch punch

all u want because u will never get to me like how u got to dad

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