Friday, April 16, 2010


can life get any harder than this.? well...ofcourse it can because my day was just a small bad day



i got into running ok..i was happy .....until....i kicked this girl out...

i seriously..seriously didnt mean for it to happen....

but it was obvious that some of them were not happy about it

i told hime....and his expression was rather blanked...and dissapointed...

duh..ofcourse he doesnt have a thing for her...but u know i just felt like this bug in people's life

i don't think the coach was exactly thrilled either....its not like that's quite important

i just can't believe this..I AM SO SELFISH...and always tak puas hati.....

i got back into the game...but why don't i feel happy? why oh why.....

firstly..i wasnt the one who kicked her out..ok...the coach did it.....

and i got these awkward stares and stuff from some upper seniors...

technically i was the pain in the ass....


i got a fight with the parents again

and on my report bitch class teacher gave me some lame comment about me

and i have 2 demerit points??


actually..i knew the reason....but i didnt think that X was serious abt it

haiz...will someone just kill me now

and deliver me to some place where i can feel h0me....

home...when can i feel that again?..i miss it....

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