Friday, June 4, 2010


it has been so long since i even uploaded a this is for your sake

i know its not good but hey...i'm human right?

so since i didnt have any any thing interesting to say today

i'm gonna do another facts about me part 3

1. i love love love nail polish...not just the colour..but the fact that it keeps my nails from breaking or simply me chewing them

2.i'm wearing yellow on my nails now internet line is working fine/ fantastic.....amazingly

4.i hate drinking water.....i was even rushed into the hospital when i was 6 because i didnt have enough water in my system...==...and it led to days being strapped to a hospital bed

5.i do have a tendency to drink cold water instead

6.i have 5 email accounts dad encourages me to wear sexy clothes

8. my parents make me watch documentaries on raping/kidnapping...=/

9.i think that zac efron/ robert pattinson/that justin guy is really really unaplealing..XD

10. i love chocolate....

11. i cant eat medicine without eating a sweet before...which was really unusual...becus sweets remind me of medicine...especially those strawberry flavoured ones....i usually take those old chinese village sweets....u know those that u can find in pasar malams ears are very very small ><

13. my birthday is coming soon ^^

and i think that that's all for today...byes

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