Tuesday, November 17, 2009

talking abt the whole my football match

As we all know , unless u guys really don't know

our malaysia football team were competing in some nationals in the local stadium

well it was a saturday and the roads were damn jammed because of....(refer to the pics)

yes fans....probably malays....== we chinese are so not loyal..=p

me and my family were pimped out in my dad's car

my mum putting on her makeup, me reading a book and my dad drumming his fingers impatiently on the steering wheel

an hour passed and then another hour passed and soon it was abt time my dad blows his top and starts to use one of us as a punching bag

talk abt expressing emotions...lawls...

then we finally decided to go home cause it might even take forever to go home...

lawls these guys actually poke their heads out for me to shoot after they saw me taking out my camera...whee....

decked out in red or yellow fan polo shirts

he stared as if i was crazy haha

awesome...a jeep...cool but the driver was scary ==

SUV .....

p.s did u guys notice that it was raining? *smirks*

BTW i saw a bus with a giant banner that says something..probably something encouraging

kids poking out their heads out of the window and screaming as their bus speeds off...

too bad i couldn't catch the scene with my phone

gtg now...brb

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