Monday, January 25, 2010

wish granted

so long never take picha too lazy but actually is most of the time the picha will turn out very ugly.

actually this oso not the picha of that day when i go out to sw

is the time i go my dad's cousin sis wedding wan..she so yeng marry a Swedish guy.

ntg there la...but po kaii..keep po kaii...

my mum just give me rm 200 and she go with her fren liao

then i go and eat with her friend in the tawainese express but not nice deh

actually i introduce them the restaurant called T BOWL.. is we sit on toilet bowl and eat from toilet bowl..haha

but they dun wan..they say very wei...==

see i so good girl..use recyclable bags XD me so perasan

alot of lenglui but not many lengzai...actually i oso no see wan

i just keep see phone babe sick ..haih...hope she will get better

me buy alot alot of dress..because mum start scold keep buy t-shirt and shorts

guess wat..i'm going to hong kong agn this chinese new year..some more hong kong in february is winter..walau.... i wan to spend my chinese new year in warm weather not cold weather la...haih

so that is reason why i buy the two jacket above

the others buy from my favourite shops =]

so altogether i spend my mum deh rm 200 and my own rm 120= rm 320

chinese new year = new clothes mah

go home around 4 then reach around 5

then eat chicken rice for dinner

end of my sunday shopping spree


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