Friday, July 2, 2010


ahahaha saw this in a magazine. btw this is a brand ok. but seriously did they hav to put that kind of logo. XD
camwhoring....epic fail

finally today can spent time with lao gong

actually today he can go back early wan....but i make him stay back with me =p

today school ends at 1 pm...because the teachers have a meeting....==

that's like 5 hours of school

but uncle just had to wait for the RIS students so all of us hav to wait really really long

2 hours to be exact.

guess what guess what

ming lok, the guy's whose 10 % smarter than me, a monitor %$#@!! slapped me

WITH A TIE!!!! it was like a giant rubber band flicking on my cheeks!!!!!!!!



we went to the canteen and sat there chattin

he drank some guava juice and me a 100 plus. guess what

when i was just drinking

he had this smirk on his face and he pulled my 100 plus..while i was drinking it!!!!!!

swt the water almost kena my bag TT

bully me again ==

then we sat there chattin on the stairs....u know the one next to the bookstore

that place brings alot of memories XD

had a sweet time there ^^

but then some guard looked at us and called us to go

so we go lo

still had to wait for the RIS we.....just sat in the hot!!!!

finally i ended up sitting in ryan's father's car.damn his dad can speak serious english

as if he was a caucasion....ryan? not so much like his father

ryan is annoying

and guess what i found in his dad's car?

this!!!! omg.....his dad must really love him

spend the night watching prince of persia again

on dad's crappy laptop

i was cussing at it the whole time

and watched shrek the third afterwards

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